Lamb was for twenty years and until recently acting Head of Printmaking at Edinburgh College of Art. She is recognised as one of Britain's finest printmakers, and her pre-eminence in lithography leads to exhibitions world-wide. This print was first shown in her exhibition Delta (Glasgow Print Studio, December 1999) which was both a tribute to her dress-maker mother, and an exploration of memory and childhood. Klecksographie (the term derives from a children's game, 'blotto') is a series of highly sophisticated works which use the theory of the Rorschach inkblot test as a starting point. ('Lamb delights in toying with the convictions of the pseudo-scientific.' -- Adele Patrick)
The multiplicity of meaning of the word delta is reflected in the multi-layered processes involved in the creation of a garment, or a lithographic print. Of this work she says: 'The technique is stone lithography in the main. I have added text from a photolitho plate and additions of chine-colle - a method in which Japanese silk tissue paper is collaged to the print paper. In this instance I printed up some images from stones belonging to Blackie's the old publishing company, which had 1930s images on them. I then collaged these to the existing print. There are approximately six colours on the lithograph and I have hand-dusted one image (shoe) with gold powder.'
New Hall Art Collection.