- 2010 - Short listed for Aspect Prize
- 2010 - Relocated to Glasgow
- 2010-11 - Lecture at Glasgow Metropolitan College re Scottish Artists’ Union
- 2009 - “Jonathon Meades: Off Kilter” Titles Art Work for BBC TV programme
- 2009-10 - “Aliens on the Beach” workshops for Aberdeenshire Council
- 2009 - Art Matters workshops in collaboration with the V&A Museum & Action for Children
- 2009 - Visiting Artist, Alford Primary School, Aberdeenshire
- 2009-10 - Guest Lecturer ATLAC, University of Aberdeen, Faculty of Education
- 2009 - Vice President, Executive Committee of the Scottish Artists Union
- 2008 - “Show Scotland” Workshop at Museum of Scottish Lighthouses, Fraserburgh
- 2008 - Co-Treasurer for Limousine Bull Artist’s Collective
- 2008 - Easter Workshops for 11 – 17 yr olds for Aberdeenshire Council
- 2007 - ‘Arts Across the Curriculum’ Schools Project with Scottish Arts Council
- 2006-7 - “Children’s University’ Art Workshops in Schools for Aberdeen City Council
- 2006 - Artist’s talk about work in 'Scottish Collective', at RSA Edinburgh
- 2002 - Gave illustrated lecture on ‘Rake’s Progress’, at Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
- 2000-2 - Secretary for Limousine Bull, Artists Collective, Aberdeen
- 2000-5 - Life Drawing Tutor at Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen
- 1998-9 - Art tutor, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Aberdeen
- 1997-2009 - Studio Tenants Representative, Aberdeen, for W.A.S.P.S. (Artists Studios)
- 1997-2001 - Evening Class Art Tutor, Aberdeen City Council
- 1997 - Short listed and submitted designs, St Columba commission for Iona Abbey Trust
- 1989 - Traveled in Spain studying art, and since then painted full-time in Scotland
- 1985-8 - Employed as Finance Officer at Courtauld Institute, London University
- 1985-7 - Employed at Hambros Merchant Bank, London
- 1983-5 - Life model at Slade. Left to seek full-time employment for economic reasons
- 1982 - Studio in Earls Court, London
- 1978-82 - Reading University, Qualification: BA (Hons) Fine Art, 2:1
Selected Solo Shows
- Nov 2011 - ‘Spring Line’ Hughson Gallery, Glasgow
- Oct 2011 - ‘Terraplanes’ The Arches Glasgow
- Sept 2011 - ‘Close Haul’ Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen
- Oct 2010 - ‘Sublime Elevations’ Meffan Museum, Forfar
- Aug 2010 - ‘Art Colonies of Britain’ Tolbooth Gallery, Kirkcudbright
- 2007 - ' Sublime Intention' Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen
- 2004 - ‘ Beautyspots’ Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen
- 2003 - ‘ Rewind the Rake’, Angus Digital Media Centre, Brechin
- 2000,07 & 08 - John Lewis Partnership, Aberdeen
- 1999 - ' A Million Firsts, A Trillion Seconds', Gracefield Arts Centre, Dumfries
- 1999/2000 - ‘ Life’s a Fun Beach’, Aberdeen Maritime Museum
- 1998 - ‘ Bold & Beautiful', Cree Gallery, Gatehouse of Fleet
- 1996 - ' Journey' at 'New Scottish Art', Demarco European Foundation, Edinburgh
- 1996 - ‘Aesthetic - A Defiance', Aberdeen City Art Gallery
- 1996 - ' Bold Girl 2' Tolbooth Arts Centre, Kirkcudbright
- 1996 - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Art Gallery- GHAT
Selected Group Shows
- 2011 - SSA Professional Members at Glasgow Art Club
- 2011 - Parallax Art Fair, La Galleria, Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall London
- 2011 - Le SM’art Art Fair, Aix-en-Provence France
- 2011 - Aspect Finalists, Fleming Collection, London
- 2010,09,07,06 - Society of Scottish Artists, Royal Scottish Academy Edinburgh
- 2010 - ‘Salon’, The Embassy, Edinburgh
- 2009 - “Trust” @ Drum Castle with National Trust Scotland & Limousine Bull Artists Collective
- 2009 - “Scratching the Surface”, Ardo House Aberdeenshire
- 2009 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival, inaugural exhibition
- 2009 - IRIS international Artists Books ‘Place Identity Memory’, Gracefield, Dumfries
- 2008,09 - WASPS touring drawing show Inverness Museum, Thurso Museum
- 2008,09 - Gallery Heinzel, Thistle St. Aberdeen
- 2008,09 - Wall Projects, “Impressions of Catterline” Montrose Museum
- 2006 - Scottish Collectives at Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
- 2005 - Royal Scottish Corporation, London
- 2005 - “NO PREY - NO PAY” Pirates at Duff House, Banff, National Galleries of Scotland
- 2005 - “Painting is a Contradiction – Maybe”. Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh
- 2004 - Open Print, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
- 2003 - Royal Scottish Academy annual exhibition, Edinburgh
- 2003 - “Imagination’s Chamber” Scottish Word & Image Group, Grays School of Art
- 2002-2008 - Limousine Bull Artist’s Collective, Aberdeen.(Various Shows)
- 2001 - “Trialogue”, The Bridge, Bridgeview, Aberdeen
- 2000 - “Today is Enough”, MOMA Powys Wales
- 2000 - The Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London
- 2000 - AVAAS award winners at Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen
- 2000,2002 - Print Open, Dundee Contemporary Arts and University of Abertay
- 1999 - “Terre de Creation”, Espace Municipal Pierre Laporte, Clermont Ferrand, France
- 1997 - “Brush, Wood and Taffeta: Exploring the North”, Marischal Museum, Aberdeen
- 1996-1997 - Art Link Touring Show, Edinburgh Hospitals
- 1996 - New Acquisitions, Aberdeen City Art Gallery and Museum.
- 1995 - Collins Gallery, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Uisge Beatha)
- 1993 - Morrison Portrait Awards, R.S.A Edinburgh
- 1993-1994 - Royal Scottish Watercolour Society, R.S.A Edinburgh
Selected Collections
- Aberdeen City Art Gallery & Museum, Iona Abbey Trust Ltd, Grampian Hospitals Art Trust
- “Paintings in Hospitals”, Edinburgh. University of Aberdeen, Deloitte & Touche, J.D.Wetherspoon plc
- Logica plc. Cabot plc. The Iris Archive, Faroe Petroleum, Aspect Capital