Dorothy Dick (1932–2023)

Sculpture / Drawings
Guest artists: Charles POULSEN, Rowena COMRIE

15 February - 05 March 2025
Hughson Gallery: Tue –Sat, 12.00–18.00

Dorothy and I met in the late 1980s, soon after she retired from her part-time post with Britoil in order to sculpt full-time. Her home and studio were in Glasgow then, but some months later she inherited a property from a family member in the remote village of Scourie in north-west Sutherland. A decade later she moved her life to Scourie, where she had studios for modelling and casting, and woodcarving, as well as space for a studio gallery which she opened to visitors during the summer months. Fifteen years after we met, she asked me if I would look after her sculpture ‘when the time comes’, and in 2012 she asked me to be her Power of Attorney.

For the past five years Mark and I have looked after her properties and her sculpture, keeping her studio gallery open from late spring until September. Much of her work has been sold or adopted by her local friends and those from her earlier life when she worked variously with English Electric in Luton,and in Glasgow with Babcock and Wilcox, SSEB and Britoil. A Dorothy Dick Collection has been put together and given to the Scourie Community Development Company for the future Scourie Rocks building in the village; this comprises sculpture and drawings and works by Scottish artists from her private collection. A small sculpture garden will be opened to the public later this year on land belonging to the house at 47 Scourie. Finally, this small exhibition of mainly woodcarvings and drawings for sculpture has been assembled in her memory and to demonstrate that a maths and physics graduate can also be an artist!

Artists in this exhibition